Wednesday, July 22

Ramona is Back

note: my heart of interests, can come backkkkk. you may stay with me for 3 weeks. fasterrrr.

i'm back.

and i'm happy and excited. for today. last paper. and end.

thanks, lya and ming ceh, for sharing your worse-than-my-accident stories yesterday in the car. made me feel more better. i AM driving again.

ps. when you go sentral during heavy rainy days, it suck a lot with your jeans. mine was all wet. and my shirt was fuyoh.
pps. vegetarian food for me was something new. i ate for the first time yesterday with them. and lya told me, 'god bless you' before i started eating.

gotta go hospital for a while tomorrow for a minor surgery. screw my brain? sigh. hope not gonna be admitted though. i need my streamyx.

speaking of streamyx, i heard on the radio this afternoon when i was driving to college for exam, that the ad says that the girl can't live without streamyx for one day. i told myself, 'just like me!' i know. i got excited. lol. for god-knows-what-the-reason-is.

i'm done with my exam! and finally i'm in the holiday mood. officially!



Ming Ceh

Anyway, wish your operation success and get well soon..then you can enjoy holidays!! if you have to stay in hospital, let me know coz i want to visit you if i'm able to do so =) all the best.


thanks, ming ceh for wanting to visit me. im going to the hospital on monday. doctor was on call for operation. thanks, again!