Saturday, September 27

The Galaxy

I watched a talk by Louie Giglio, who grew up in a Christian home. Indescribable. Passion CD. It was really an eye opener for me as he tells on how great is the God that I serve creates the universe with just a breath.

"Let there be light, and there is light," the Lord said and the speed of light just spurt out of His mouth to the Earth. And there is the Earth.

The greatest story ever told.

On how God created the Stars.

"Twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are." I can tell you, the stars are wayyyyy much bigger compared to the Earth actually.

And the God I worship created the universe and measures the Milky just by his fingers. How awesome is He. And we are wayyyy much smaller than the Galaxy is. So tiny.

But, the Lord knows everyone by name and what are the characteristics in everyone of us in the world. ALL OF US.

He is vast in every single, detailed ways. My sister bought the CD and I was attracted to it. And that moment, I knew how precious am I. How He created me. He is the one who created me from my mother's cells and my father's cells that merged into one.


And that one cell divides and divides to become me in the womb. I was created. (I don't have my pictures of myself in the womb, sadly.)

And in me, I have laminin which helped me to hold my skin, organs, veins, arteries and other systems in me to hold together.

Colosians 1:16 " Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

And when I looked at the skies outside in the dark, I was so touched and happy that I was created. Even though the size of the Earth is small but he knows that I exist, even before I was born. And I was so glad, I almost shed tears of joy outside alone, when I was washing the clothes.

I was thankful. The God I serve is enormous, bigger than our wildest imagination. And the best of all, He loves me! And not only me, you too! Yes, you. All of us in the world because He is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He created even you and me!

He even created my clicks, 8 of you! *muaxxx to you guys forever.* (Do you guys know that we need a family picture? I guess we've forgotten. Never mind. Wednesday.)

My sister bought 3 Indescribable CD from the Internet. I just watched the first 2 and I'm gonna watch another one next week.

The talk in one CD is less than an hour. So it was worth watching it. But my sister has brought it back to KL. She wants to watch it too.

I've gotta watch the third one.

Besides, I missed my chance to go for the Passion concert that was held in KL a few months ago. Or is it last month? Can't remember.

My sister and my brother went. I was at home. It was on a Sunday. Obviously, I can't go. Got school the next day. Louie Giglio gave a talk there. And I missed it.

Anyhow, I'm thankful that I serve the Lord that is the same in the yesterday, today and forever!

I'm deeply blessed!