Monday, August 10

I'm At It Again

note: i've been staring at my screen for so long. no msn boxes appearing this night. i'm loving this moment of joy. hahahah. no one is bullying me! yes!

i'm working on it! yes. i'm into shooting bots again. so damn long didn't play this okay. ever since i came back from ns, i didn't play this at all. kept on facebooking. but now i'm turning back on this again. thrilling ok when you're the only one alive finding for another one bot hiding.

anyhoos, badminton this friday jadi tak? at the same place. but let's drag longer. i guess 3 hours ain't enough. probably 5 hours? hahaha. quick respond lerrr you all. i'm so addicted to badminton already. damn shit. faster respond!
