Wednesday, October 31


Was playing badminton after school today. It was fun. Had a good time but I did injured myself from climbing up that high chair. Banged that iron stand. But, I don't care about it.

Anyway, I went with JA and her bunch of lovable friends and my bunch of lovable friends. Laughed a lot while playing and creating names of teams.

I was the walking-music as I on my phone MP3 songs. Not really noisy but distracted the game between J and I with M and YM. I had a great time making M and YM lost in their game! *laughs*

J(Wakil Malaysia) with her pose

YM(Wakil India) with JA

Closing to of about 4.30pm, we eventually stopped playing the game but snapped pictures. And listened to more music. Life without music makes us a dull and boring fellas!

After that, she acted like this. So, I decided to ask her to stay in her position and I captured this. I laughed and laughed!
PS: She is lying on a bench, not on the floor, for goodness sake.

And so, with my good snapping of pictures, I decided to go to M and capture her pants which is half-soaking-wet! But with my Nokia6670 camera, it isn't as good as a Sony camera as I didn't bring just now because Dad needs it. So, I have to tolerate with my not-so-high-megapix of camera...

Looking wet but sorry lar as this camera makes it blurr.

People who sticks with me cannot live slumber-ly as I will capture a picture of them. *laughs* That's all, peeps. Very tired today. Exhausted!