Wednesday, October 17


Room was very messy. Look at those notes I tired to hide. I had no place to put but here. Its only Physics and Add Maths notes, can you imagine? Only Form 4. I don't know about Form 5 next year. My room will be much messier with books around and more notes. I guess I have to 'rent' from my brother's space next year as he won't be living in his room anymore. I need to notes to have a good shelter! *laughs*

Hope he'll rent it to me. *laughs* I can't wait for my exams to be over. There are many plans for me after my exam. I'm going for a family getaway with my family. Simply can't wait for it. Next, I might do some sports because I'm getting lazier and lazier. Many plans some more lah.

Anyway, was reading the papers yesterday and I came to read about Lasik surgery. Hmmm... Talked to Mom about it. She said I will get one after my schooling days end. It will be someday in a few years time. It will be the time where I throw away my glasses! Yay! But the problem I'm having is forgetful. I'll always forget what I said to be remembered. This is the problem I have. And I hate it to be this way. *laughs*

What I really wanted to say but I wasn't ready for this. Was nervous.
You can laugh all you want.

I admit that I can only take good photos, not talking to cameras. *ahaks*