with my boy.
i had the best and the worst hi tea for the record. he can feed me like a princess and also torture me like mad.
we ate SO much so that we had to take 5/10 mins from eating. just had to let the food go down the intestines properly and then only, reload again.
and when he didnt want to finish the food he took, he divide it into two portion and fed me the other half to help him. aiyooo. i feel so fat already. fatter than before. hahahaha.
to the fruits session, he literally killed me deep within my tongue.
he dipped the fruit into the asam powder. and its the whole damn fruit. and forced me to eat it. aiyo. yes, i have this kind of bf. very naughty one.
but all in all, my life would never been so much fun if he has not stolen my heart. i had my best hi tea, breakfast, lunch, dinner and what nots in between with him.
and i've gone through with this hi tea with the big ulcer and swollen gums at the back of my teeth. damn wisdom tooth. i'll get you out tomorrow!
bye forever. hmph.
ps. my future ahead is going to be so much prettier with you.
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