Wednesday, November 7

No Sweets For Me, Please...

On the way to badminton court this afternoon, J gave me a sweet. I ate it and after a few minutes later, I started going crazy. So, when I was playing badminton with them, I was making them laugh while I was screaming my heart out, laughing for no reason, dancing... Ah, I can list them down. You can consult J if you want to about what I did in badminton court while playing.

The same place but different court.

Today, it wasn't a crowd as many of us can't make it for badminton. J has choir practice, YM has no transport home, and some other friends who made their decision last minute before time to play. So, there were only 5 of us, including me.

HW and J

J and M

Yes, I know. I have many friends with initial J. I know. Each J represents different person. Beware. Maybe I should call them names... Nah, you'll say I'm evil then. Let J be J.

So, at 3pm, I brought myself back home with a slight tummy ache [because of too laugher and fun] and hunger because my lunch was digested. Now, my tummy is calling for food. Gotta feed myself with food now.