Saturday, September 18

Bandung Day 2 baby!!

so it was on the second day when i spent my cash almost like water because i don't spend a lot when i'm here in my home land. hahahaha. pretty unusual eh?

my morning started with delicious breakfast and pleasant welcome by the hotel staff.

first time when i stepped into the dining section, oh my... everywhere food.

those are where you can get your cakes and toasted bread done with what kind of spreads you fancy.

the cereals and pulut hitam and green beans.

i fed myself a lot when i was there. heees! guilty but happy. :D

i had rice early in the morning for breakfast. i know. what was i thinking? hahahaha. foooood.

i cant really remember what is the name of the balls already. ugh. never mind. inside of the ball is empty but you eat it with either melted chocolate or honey. delicious!! the other one on the plate was crepe. you can order it there and there you go. freshly made from the pan. crispy and sedapppp. ;p

after filling our tummy in the morning, ming ceh and i went to explore the hotel a little bit. went to the back of the lobby. japanese themed balcony.

on the right is just a little pond. no fish. just lotus and big pots and plants.

when we were there, 5th floor of the building, it was quite cold. if i were to ever tie my hair, my neck couldn't take it. alright. im exaggerating. hahahaha.

interior! prettyyyy. fake fireplace. and the chair seem so huge. people would just come here to chill, read newspapers and hang out.

outside! the building behind me is townhouse. modern eh? unlike here.

then we went back up to our room.

view of bandung from the 18th floor of the hotel.

my bed. very bigggg. and cold. but in the morning around 7am, the sun was shining like it was 10am here in malaysia. so bright that ming ceh woke up and close the curtain beside me and went back to sleep.

so we went back up to our room for awhile to take our things and get ready. then we headed to town. lya brought us around her hometown.

this wais actually a motor. not a sign board with wheels. hahahaha. awesome skills right?

sun was shining brightly but it was cold.

buildings in town. graffiti everywhere.

and we came down from the car. walked a short distance.

and saw this gallery on the streets. pretty pretty. i touched the paintings. :D. my fingers itch. hehehehe.

then we walked a bit more and we were in a dutch-recipe cafe, sumber hidangen.

original recipes. they didn't change or alter much in anything in the cafe.

delicious i can say. butter butter and butter. chocolate. vanilla. pastries.

cookies!! but you can't try on the spot. you have to buy.

peanut butter baby!

the interior didnt change much since the 1920s. totally antique.

the source of light where once you turn on the switch. tadaaa! let there be light. hahaha. but it was daytime. so no light.

the cafe. simplicity. like it.

and the prettiest thing,

the cashier. i think they never change at all since when they first establish their cafe here.

and their welcome menu

is also simple. i cant pronounce the words that were written on the menu. hard ok??

after buying much cookies (which were damn a lot), we went to boutiques. a lot.

this was in the secret. fashion house. very pretty. this was just the entrance. and i spent quite a lot here. for me, a lot is a lot la because i dont spend much.

after shopping, we went for tea time at a cafe nearby. we had this banana with coconut.

sweet taste. and every time i feed myself there with good food, i didnt care less about my weight. hahahahha.

then in the evening, we had another guilty pleasure of ours.


and to double this,

roar!! chocolates!!!!!!

one of the chocolate design was a dice.

how pretty. and heart shaped ones. and pearl-like shape. awww. prettyyyy.

so what we had were just the cakes.

advocado cake.

and truffle. i love their presentation. pretty.

we sat on the balcony upstairs and we hung out there. minutes later, we heard the train went tut tut tut!!! railway track was just a few metres away.

guess what time was it? 6 something only you know? so dark already.

then we finally had our real dinner at

the paskal. food court. there were really 1100 menu there. varieties of food. malaysian food, western, indonesian. you name it, they have it la.

this is putu pisang. we had this. inside of it, they have the gula melaka. sweet. but i cant take it. i had one and it was already enough. too sweet for me. and im not a fan of putus. hahaha. but i ate one!

this is bandrek. ginger drink. i didnt have this. ming ceh had this. too brave. once you sip it in, vroom baby!! fire!!! woooohh!! hahahaha.

after dinner, we went back to the hotel and had a good night's rest to charge ourself for the next day.

i miss singing to ming ceh 'you are not alone' in the room. x.x