Monday, December 5


I went for the Project Serve this few days. It really was good. Well, tomorrow is going to be the last day. Oh, how sad will I be.... It'll end like 6.00pm. It really changed me a lot. This workshop taught me how to love the Bible, preach the gospel, diff. between man and God and etc.. Today's workshop was powerful. It really taught me about life.

Life is full of busyness, ain't it? Yea.. it is. See. People nowadays wanna get diploma, degrees and masters. So, in order to get those, you gotta earn money, right? So, you would like.. go get some job and stuff like that. Then, suddenly, you died. Can you bring all those diploma, degrees, and masters to heaven or hell? You can't. You have to face judgement and stuff. So, it really teach me stuffs like that.

And there's lots more that taught me. But I don't really have the energy to write it here but to express it using words by talking.