Friday, July 24

Red Now? Which?

do you all know that my previous post was ACTUALLY photoshopped? how in the world will i dye my hair when i said i would never ever dye my hair?! and of all colours, i chose purple? i'm not easily influenced by lala people. never. lol.

you should have seen this picture before in this post.

means you have been fooled by me! the people that i have fooled first was kua. on msn. his first sentence was 'YOU AH LIAN!' i burst out into laughter.

second was billy. he said since i dyed my hair, he want to dye his hair too. wtf. hahah.

then third was casey. when she texted me starting with 'eh purple head.' i laughed already. my god.

yen mei was fourth. read my cbox down at the sidebar. hahaha.

and donen was the fifth with his first line, 'eh you dye your hair purple ar?' omg. i'm laughing! and he asked me to go bald so he can be my servant. hahaha. i'll try to do bald later. photoshop!

the after. you people must have some memory problem. lol!

i simply love photoshop.

yes. my skills are getting better.

ming ceh, i photoshopped my hair only! hahah. now who wants to dye their hair? virtually. cindy, i can dye your long locks. hahaha.

hair dye!

tadaa! damn, i love my eye and my fingers for photoshop. without my little mouse, i can't dye my hair. and thanks to blurr and sharp tool for the final touch. mmm-hmmm!

so anyone wants to dye their hair?

ps. actually, you people are very naive. hahaha.
pps. i'll learn guitar next week.
ppps. i'm thinking of walking from town and get some adventure along the way home.