october's coming to an end and the beginning of my FINAL and LAST important subject today, i can say, i blasted my october!! it was great with bob fitts and sidney mohede in the house. 3 days. day and night. but i just went for sidney's night but all 3 days' morning session.
during the tea break in the morning, we spend time doing absolutely nothing, collecting my bingo chips on ipad app, seeing true worshippers and bob fitts' albums and bought favor, seeing people (being kepo).
i heard that bob fitts' night session wasnt that packed like sidney's. we had to stand at the backkkkk to line up. nevertheless, my seating was great with my cousin.
we queued like this for about 1 hour! it was massive! about 2k plus of people. FULL HOUSE. it was quite warm with the whole congregation jumping and dancing and moving around. my feet were aching. but i took out my shoes and enjoyed the whole session through and through.
and the concert started a few minutes after. wheee. the knowing you conference was the bomb. never before a 2 hour concert with sidney mohede felt like 2 hour. instead, it was like 30 mins and we asked for more! haha but he wanted ramly burger and to go home so badly. after the gangnam style in the middle of praise, it was fun! he sang most of the songs from the favor album. im so blessed in this conference.
but i did not attend bob fitts' night session. hehe. i felt sick like crazy because i ate late dinner. worst night i've ever had. i think so far, in 10 times, 8 times my system has broke down when im in kl. only kl but not singapore. ish. but probably was too caught up in shopping la.
well, overall, i had a great october!
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