not long after a month of class, its holiday again for one week. it'll be another week of just no 3-days class for me. not much difference for me because so far, im quite free for a long semester. major will only start next month! i can move like a jagger throughout my semester i guess.
so far, i've just been hanging out with the bf. we can never get tired of each other. he's the naughtiest boy i've ever known!
digging in my files. and omg this picture's so damn long ago. this is how bored i can be if im at home for too long being unproductive. (damn i miss my straight hair a little now after looking at my picturessss. *sadface*)
however, today marks our 21st month together!
how fast time flies. hope you wont get bored of my naughtiness too! yeah he's the only one i can bully 110% out of 100%! :D
thanks for walking in the same together with me for 21 months now. moments of fun, irritated, sad, stupid, clever, upside down, you name it. he's gone through with me. i appreciate him! most of all, i love him for loving me for who i am.
happy 21st monthsary, biwlzzzzz!
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